I have an FM system so I can hear directions from the teacher. You know how the power goes directly to the house from the power lines? The teacher’s talking to the whole class, it’s like a power line. The teacher speaks and I hear her. She talks in a microphone like a Britney Spears microphone.


Molly, 8


Spelling Tests Were Difficult
When I was in the first grade, it was kind of difficult when I didn’t have one hearing aid. It was hard for me to hear when I was taking a spelling test.

Kayleigh, 7


My Aide
My aide helps me like if I miss something, like during music. She comes down with me to the music room and she writes down songs for me because I don’t hear because the microphone is hard. In music, they might be singing too, and I don’t know what they’re saying. So she’ll sing with me.

Molly, 8


I read a lot
Every single morning we read for half an hour and then after we do the rest of the things on our schedule and then later on I have a special program where we do reading for 45 min or an hour and then when I go home my mom reads to me. I read chapter books a lot. I like reading Captain Underpants. It’s a really funny series.

A child


I love my classroom and my teacher she is just spectacular! She is really loud. I don’t have to use the FM. I really don’t like the FM. It never works and it’s really annoying. She’s really loud so we don’t have to use it. It’s hard with the background noise. We have very annoying and loud boys, and some girls, in our class but I really like her because she really explains things and she lets you be yourself.


Alicia, 10


Sometimes My Teacher Forgets That I Can’t Hear Well
It’s kind of hard because she sometimes doesn’t take me seriously. She sits me up front by the overhead projector and it makes a little hum. Sometimes I ask her to repeat herself because I couldn’t hear over the hum and she doesn’t take me seriously… If you are like me and you don’t show much evidence that you have a hearing loss speak up and tell them.

Alicia, 10


I Hate it When My FM System Malfunctions
In first and second grade the person who managed it was great. Now the person who manages it doesn’t do a very good job. It’s always malfunctioning. It’s very uncomfortable. Not only does it pick up the teacher but it picks up all the background noise. When people go “shhh” it hurts my brain. I don’t know why. I can’t stand it.

Alicia, 10


My Interpreter
I have an interpreter that usually tells everyone, but if you’re a kid who doesn’t have an interpreter, I’d just ask the teacher to explain what you are; you’re deaf. Most of the time if you’re deaf, well I think all the time, you get a big intercom thing, like a hearing device to help you hear the teacher and other kids when they’re asking questions. You should tell them about that and all that kind of stuff. It’s very easy for other people to catch on because normally kids are energetic and know all this stuff. So I think that it’s not that hard to catch on, but if you have a class that doesn’t understand it, you should explain it to them every single year.

Evan, 11


I go to a school for the Deaf. We learn easily from the teachers. For example, this week I learned something new about math, reading, science, and I have my own computer. We have a dorm for people who sleep there if their parents live far away; so, I live in the dorm. I stay there during week and I come home every weekend.


Nadir, 13


I’m Proud of my GPA
I am particularly proud of the fact that I have achieved my GPA and class rank despite the fact that I am hearing impaired. I make sure that I sit towards the front of the class to be closer to the teacher. To help assist my ears I use a portable sound field system, which sends the teacher’s voice directly to my hearing aids. I am also comfortable self-advocating when needed.

Jesse, 18


Sometimes I Hear Things Differently
It takes a hearing impaired person longer to hear and process sound than a hearing person. This makes following lectures and classroom activities more challenging but I have met that challenge with a positive attitude. I even occasionally find it humorous when I mishear a statement as something outrageous rather than what the speaker intended to say.

Jesse, 18