If I grew up being able to use my legs, I wouldn’t have the personality I do now because being forced to sit around and come up with stuff to do, you critique your anguish a lot. And you will become aware of your personality and you become really, really confident, not conceited. Like, if somebody tells me I can’t do something, I’m going to do it just to irritate you.


My friends stand up for me
Say for example, somebody was being mean to you, your friends would like stand up for you and say “Hey, that’s not nice” or “that’s mean”, and that type of stuff. So, I think that it is best with my condition that friends would stand up for me. I like that.

Madison, 10


Mass Hospital School
Cerebral palsy can be frustrating at times but there are positive things about it too. Like meeting new people. Because of my CP I have gone to Mass Hospital School. I have met new friends there and done amazing things. I would not have been able to do any of this if I didn’t have CP.

Stephanie, 14


Reaching goals
The most rewarding is definitely meeting a goal. CP is challenging because of its physical limits. So when I am able to do something I couldn’t do before, it makes me feel really good.

Stephanie, 14


I think more, a little bit more deeply than kids without CP. I have a little bit more life experience than they do. And they admire me for that sometimes and they don’t admire me for that sometimes because I end up being more like the parent than the kid. Maybe I’m a little less teenager like. I don’t exactly jump at the chance to do something dangerous because I know what hospitals are like; they’re not fun.


Ruby, 15


I’m more open minded
I’ve met some really great people. I’ve met some really great people that other kids probably haven’t met. I’m more open minded and have more empathy towards other people. I think I have more life experience.

Ruby, 15


Graduating from college
I think the most rewarding thing about having cerebral palsy is that it makes you a better person with all the challenges to overcome, and going to physical and occupational therapy. I went through a lot more in life than others who do not have CP, like what went through in school, but in the end, I crossed that finish line. I got to accomplish one of the most prestigious things in life–graduating from college and getting that diploma.

Karthik, 27