Even if you have asthma, you can still play what you were playing, and go to school, and run around.
Anthony, 8
It’s OK to have asthma
It’s OK to have asthma because I have asthma, too, and you can play with me. I can play with you in your house or you can play with me in my house. I can show you how to take your medicines, and I’ll show you how I take my medicine.
Allison, 9
I can still play around and be silly
Even though I have asthma I can still play around and be silly. And when you have asthma, it doesn’t mean you can’t play around and have fun. It just means you have to control your asthma so you won’t be sick.
Jared, 10
Take precautions
Don’t let it affect your life more than it has to. Take precautions– always have your inhaler, always warn people of situations where you might have an asthma attack, explain what might happen if you do have attack so they’re not freaked out if you do– if you take these precautions, having asthma won’t be that big of deal. If it doesn’t seem foreign to other people, they’ll know how to work around it.
Allie, 18
Asthma taught me that even if you’re different or have something that holds you back, there are so many ways to get around it. And knowing that has helped me to do other hard things in life.
Allie, 18
Increased awareness and compassion for people’s limits
I think for me the most rewarding thing has just been an increased awareness and compassion for people’s limits. I am much more vocal about people smoking around children because they often cannot speak up for themselves, and I know better than to laugh at someone for having an EpiPen, or any kind of medication.
Michelle, 22
Realize how sensitive Asthma is
I think it’s important for people to realize how sensitive asthma is. It is absolutely IMPERATIVE that people not smoke around children with asthma, especially because they are generally not assertive enough to ask you to stop, even though it is cruel and harmful. This is true for all children, but children with asthma suffer immensely around smoke. I also think it’s important for people to know that, like any physical ailment, it can be embarrassing, so people should be sensitive and never make fun of someone’s inhaler.
Michelle, 22
We have to work and find a way around it
I would say only that life is filled with obstacles we have to overcome. Asthma can often be a big obstacle that keeps us from doing the small things, but we have to work and find a way around it, whether it’s through being better about taking our medicines or through building up slowly to bigger goals.
Michelle, 22
I just can’t stress enough not to smoke around your kids. You will not only be hurting them physically, but you will also put them in a position of having to choose between wanting to be with you and wanting to be able to breathe.
Michelle, 22
Taking your inhaler is more important than someone laughing at you
And for kids, not being able to breathe is one of the worst and scariest feelings ever and taking your inhaler is always more important than worrying about someone laughing at you. Everybody’s got something that makes things hard for them.
Michelle, 22